Opinion material by Alina Cartianu, Senior Manager, and Andrada Tanase, Senior Manager,…
Often, companies that apply to fund their projects with European Funds are less aware…
Romanian economy growth is relying on leasing for the equipment financing in order to…
Case C-438/13 BCR Leasing IFN SA
Established in Romania since 2005 under the brand Cetelem, BNP Paribas Personal Finance…
Instant Factoring supports the development of small companies, with a turnover of up to…
Instant Factoring, the first Romanian online micro-factoring company, makes strategic…
The Novo Park rented to the banking group totals 7,200 sqm in the F…
Starting September, UPC Romania is the beneficiary and the user of over 170 new…
- Servicii de leasing financiar; - Obiectul contractului de leasing: leasing auto, leasing echipamente,…
BCR LEASING IFN, a company member of the Banca Comerciala Romana Group, has been…
Leasing pentru echipamente, prioritar segmentele agricultura si constructii.
Leasing; - Banci comerciale si de credit, cotate la bursa; - Banci de afaceri…