Urmareste interviul integral pentru a afla cum vede Iulian Trandafir, CEO, Alliance Healthcare…
Asistam la un tip de schimbare pe care eu as numi-o schimbare fortata. Ea…
Care va fi curba de redresare si ce lucruri trebuie avute in vedere de…
''Transformarea digitala este mai mult decat o ocazie pentru companii de a se reinventa…
Vedem ca milioane de oameni se adapteaza lucrului si invatamantului de acasa. Lucrul de…
The online marketing agency Gun Media, specialized in e-commerce, reports for 2024 a 10%…
Mihail Boian, Partner of D&B David si Baias and Inge Abdulcair, Director of PwC…
Oana Munteanu, Director of PwC Romania, Sonia Balanescu, Senior Lawyer, D&B coordinator…
The number of candidates between the ages of 18 and 24 who want to…
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies
Interview with Nicolae Banica – CEO Oscar Downstream
Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO of Alumil Romania, whose philosophy of life is…
NN is involved in the education of young technology enthusiasts who are preparing for…
Interview with Mr. Catalin Dragomir, general manager of Hiarom, who tells us how he…
Interview with Adrian Dulea, Head of Sales Office & Business Development Manager, South…
The certification granted by the global authority Top Employers Institute is based on…
Both options offer updated versions of the innovative and awarded features of the Nextbase…
Companies identify cyber attacks, especially data breaches, as the main risk to their…
Schneider Electric Romania announces the appointment of Romanita Neacsu as Senior Legal…
The interior is designed to be attractive, practical and smart in every way, offering…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
La nivel global, lantul de aprovizionare a fost supus unor tensiuni pe care probabil…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Solutii pentru munca de acasa. Eficient…
Bucharest, Stejarii Country Club, 22 May 2018
The Global Summit of Credit and Collection Professionals