Urmareste interviul integral pentru a afla cum vede Iulian Trandafir, CEO, Alliance Healthcare…
Asistam la un tip de schimbare pe care eu as numi-o schimbare fortata. Ea…
Care va fi curba de redresare si ce lucruri trebuie avute in vedere de…
''Transformarea digitala este mai mult decat o ocazie pentru companii de a se reinventa…
Vedem ca milioane de oameni se adapteaza lucrului si invatamantului de acasa. Lucrul de…
Authors: Sonia Balanescu, Labor Legislation Lawyer, D&B David si Baias and Marius Barbu,…
As they have to face more and more geopolitical and economic challenges, governments request…
Gabriela Batir, Senior Manager PwC Romania
Investments in digitization and green technologies are fundamental for ensuring a sustainable…
Robert Girdoc, Director of PwC Romania and Razvan Cioc, Manager of PwC Romania
Interview with Nicolae Banica – CEO Oscar Downstream
Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO of Alumil Romania, whose philosophy of life is…
NN is involved in the education of young technology enthusiasts who are preparing for…
Interview with Mr. Catalin Dragomir, general manager of Hiarom, who tells us how he…
Interview with Adrian Dulea, Head of Sales Office & Business Development Manager, South…
Within this new system, the components will be transported from Turkey to Romania, and…
The year 2025 begins with new installations of EV stations and the creation of…
Contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of tires
Ionut joined the Schneider Electric team in 2014, occupying the position of Vice President…
CHEP, part of the Brambles group, maintains a top place among the more than…
Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
La nivel global, lantul de aprovizionare a fost supus unor tensiuni pe care probabil…
Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…
Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Solutii pentru munca de acasa. Eficient…
Bucharest, Stejarii Country Club, 22 May 2018
The Global Summit of Credit and Collection Professionals