The fastest pace of recruitment in recent years consolidated the teams specialized in…
The Deloitte Romania multidisciplinary team of financial and tax experts provided full…
PwC Romania and D&B David si Baias provided assistance to FAN Courier shareholders on…
During the EY-led process, the team provided full sell-side M&A assistance, structuring…
This is the second transaction made by Smart ID, following the 2022 acquisition of…
The recently agreed financing with the three banking institutions will support Enery Power…
The transaction, which was oversubscribed more than twice by institutional investors,…
The completion of this transaction marks an important stage in the company's development…
The transaction adds to a record portfolio of nearly 5 GW of renewable energy…
During the period of Black Friday, of substantial discounts and one of the busiest…
This is the most recent high-profile deal adding to Clifford Chance Badea's M&A portfolio…
The new plan still includes the possibility of delivering surplus thermal energy produced…