Intracom Telecom and Computer Solutions will install and operate a national digital management…
This service brings with it numerous advantages, being focused on optimizing costs, but…
CEO Conference – Shaping the Future, the most prestigious event dedicated to business…
Vodafone and Orange have achieved this milestone through partnerships with leading Open…
Customers can buy insurance, including RCA through the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) solution…
Ovidiu Popescu will contribute to the consolidation of Deloitte Romania’s teams and competences…
The project aims to prolong and maintain the life of the mission-critical systems at…
The developer has already sold 20% of Luxury Smart Home Project, Pajurei 3 Residence,…
Schneider Electric’s collaboration with NVIDIA paves the way for a more efficient, sustainable,…
Samsung provides Vodafone with its vRAN solution supporting multi-RAT, automation solutions…
The launch will take place during the MWC Barcelona event, which will take place…
How will the business environment respond to the complex challenges of 2024? Current forecasts…