CarsCup is a game designed by George Lemnaru, a Romanian entrepreneur with 7 years…
Ensight Management Consulting, affiliated member of Eurogroup Consulting network, was…
The eighth annual EuropaProperty SEE Real Estate Awards, which highlighted some of the…
Euronet 360 Finance Ltd., a subsidiary of Euronet Worldwide (Nasdaq:EEFT), announces the…
According to the results of research conducted by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab…
The short-list for the upcoming 8th annual EuropaProperty Southeastern European Real Estate…
The final deadline for nominations at the 8th annual SEE Real Estate Awards, South-Eastern…
Infections went undetected by anti-malware solutions on a significant number of Windows…
Xerox Romania signed a new strategic partnership with Kapsch Romania in the program or…
Impika’s proprietary aqueous inkjet systems complement Xerox’s broad portfolio of color…
Schneider Electric delivers EnergySTEP@Work, designed to work with Cisco EnergyWise Technology
Hackers targeted dozens of computer systems at government agencies across Europe in a…