However, consumers’ continued passion for seasonal sales is being fueled by the global…
85% of them have increased investments in the “green” transition over the last year,…
Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria…
Over half of consumers are responding to their concerns by planning to buy less…
70% estimate that state subsidies are not sufficient
Most prefer to work alongside team members on-site at least three days a week…
Half of them find speeding up the vaccination campaign necessary to combat the effects…
Romanians give increased importance to sustainability, both through resource efficiency…
A key emerging trend is the prioritization of sustainability, which comes at a time…
The EBRD Advice for Small Businesses programme has recently conducted an expert-opinion…
KPMG’s “European Champions Report” reviews the 2016/17 season's most relevant business…
Craiova is now one of Ford’s most modern production facilities and it plays a…