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21 results (tag: motivating)

Lean Management: The path to performance in Romanian businesses

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies

The psychological mechanisms of positive team dynamics

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

Differences in professional aspirations of generations X, Y, Z

Career aspirations have evolved significantly over the decades, reflecting economic, technological…

Self-leadership, from theory to practice

The business environment is becoming increasingly complex and puts pressure on companies,…

Deloitte study: holiday spending will surpass pre-pandemic levels for the first time this year, with 72% of consumers expecting higher prices

Deloitte study suggests that the level of spending for holiday shopping has increased…

The role of team coaching in company success

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

Deloitte study: more than half of the local companies have plans to reduce carbon emissions, which will be funded mainly from internal sources and EU funds

Local companies operating in the manufacturing, financial services and consumer business…

Valoria survey: 72% of companies say that delegating tasks to virtual teams is the new skill needed by managers during this period

The survey launched today by Valoria identifies their perception of the current context

Millennials and Generation Z, insecure and pessimistic about the evolution of society, their career and future

Millennials and Generation Z face insecurities and pessimism regarding the evolution of…

Deloitte Study: Voice of Workforce in Europe. What are the expectations of the employees and how can the employers adapt to the new trends?

Demographic and technological changes are the two major trends that transform the workforce,…

Deloitte Study: Global Trends in Human Capital 2018

Increasing the role of the social organization

Companies say 2018 will be bad for business

According to the study "Business outlook in 2018" released today by Valoria and conducted…

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