

394 results (tag: innovation)

Digitalization of decision in companies

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends, and Technologies Expert

Deloitte study: a quarter of employees have seen their roles change following the implementation of intelligent automation and a third will need to be retrained

Faced with this unexpected global health crisis, organizations turned to technology in…

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

How will digitalization advance in Romanian companies in 2021?

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert and Alexandra Cernian,…

What will matter in 2021? Relevant trends and forecasts

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…

How far has the digitalization of Romanian industries advanced?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

KPMG in Romania, lider in transformare digitala,  anunta parteneriatul cu Aurachain

KPMG Romania today announced a new partnership with Aurachain, the only low-code application…

Valoria survey: Even if CSR budgets freeze, companies increase their community involvement

Community involvement, support for health and focus on final beneficiaries are the areas…