

16 results (tag: imm-uri)

Choosing the right CRM for retail - specific or general solutions? No-code or traditional systems?

by Andrei Paraschiv, Consulting Partner, Deloitte Romania

Cyber ​​attacks on SMEs increased 6 times in 2021 compared to 2020

The current cyber landscape, analyzed at the Microsoft event "Embrace Proactive Security…

The dynamic landscape of cyber threats, a challenge for more and more SMEs

According to Microsoft analysis, many of these companies do not have access to the…

Business for the Future, season 2: sustainability through the eyes of SMEs

Dragos Holban, CFO Vrancart: "I strongly believe that only a business with ethical leadership…

Business for the Future, season 2: sustainability through the eyes of SMEs

Petre Marian Milut, Prefab: "Those who do not believe in sustainability have no future,…

SMEs' perception of the relationship with commercial banks

The present research aimed to analyze the way in which small and medium enterprises,…

CNIPMMR analysis on the support of SMEs in PNRR

The total value of the measures for the development / support of the SME…

Over 10,000 start-ups and SMEs have made hiring in the last 9 months

The most active employers in this segment were those in retail, construction, transport…

Relaunch measures for SMEs announced by the Romanian Government: under what conditions can the facilities be accessed?

Opinion material by Florentina Munteanu, Partner, Andrea Grigoras, Coordinating Lawyer,…

We are talking about: vouchers and micro-grants for SMEs

In the current crisis, the speed with which we mobilize capital to support entrepreneurs…

The call for support of SMEs in the fight with COVID- 19

Between 12.03.2020 and 15.03.2020, CNIPMMR conducted a comprehensive survey regarding…

Crestere comerciala solida si utilizare tot mai intensa a canalelor digitale in prima jumatate a anului 2019

Noul CEO, Mihaela Bitu, a preluat conducerea bancii, nu doar intr-o noua etapa din…