Although the latest economic news is not exactly favorable, progress in infrastructure…
Authors: Sonia Voinescu, Senior Lawyer D&B Coordinator David si Baias and Crina-Anastasia…
With increasingly dense European and local regulations, companies in Romania are starting…
Foreign direct investments in construction and real estate transactions have more than…
All these companies must adopt measures to adapt and consolidate in order to continue…
Authors: Sonia Voinescu, Senior Lawyer D&B Coordinator David si Baias & Gabriela Ifrim,…
Adina Gutiu, Counsel, D&B David and Baias Sonia Voinescu, Managing Associate, D&B David…
Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria…
Romania firmly maintains its resilient market position, despite a 13% decline in foreign…
Additionally, the bank continued adapting to both the market environment and consumer…
Opinion article by Burcin Atakan, Partner, Deloitte Romania, and Leader of Fraud Investigation…
Rising demand will put pressure on prices in the medium term