

67 results (tag: anaf)

A new threshold exceeded in the practice of transfer pricing: ANAF accepts voluntary adjustments by reducing the tax base

Monica Todose, Director of PwC Romania and Mihail Boian, D&B Partner David and Baias

SAF-T reporting system, open for testing. What are the next steps?

Opinion material by Raluca Baldea, Partner, and Ana-Maria Sabiescu, Senior Manager, Indirect…

Transfer prices: Business models in the ANAF view

Authors: Daniela Dinu, Director of PwC Romania; Ana Sacal, Senior Manager of PwC Romania;…

SAF-T reporting, mandatory for large taxpayers from January 1, 2022. What does the implementation entail?

Opinion material by Vlad Boeriu, Fiscal and Legal Services Coordinating Partner, Deloitte…

The rail file becomes history. Who takes its place?

Opinion material by Camelia Malahov, Director, Direct Taxes, and Gabriel Patru, Senior…

The DAC6 guide has finally been published. What clarifications does it bring?

Opinion material by Mihaela Popescu-Ichim, Director, Anca Ghizdavu, Manager and Anca Preda,…

PwC Romania survey: ANAF will more easily detect and sanction incorrect taxpayers due to SAF-T, considers the majority of respondents

The SAF-T report, the standard reporting file, would be implemented next year, according…

Expansion of the National Telemedicine Network by the OTE Group and Intracom Telecom

Health Services of the same standards as those of urban centres for 22 islands…

The tax authorities have strengthened their ranks - all individuals should expect checks on their personal tax situation

Author: Mihaela Mitroi, Partner, Fiscal and Legal Assistance, EY Romania, leader of the…

New tax regulations for electronic cash registers - advantages and ambiguities

Opinion material by Ana Petrescu, Senior Manager, Direct Taxes, and Robert Ionescu, Senior…

Major decision of the CJEU regarding the right to deduct VAT. We expect compliance at the national level

Opinion material by Vlad Boeriu, Fiscal and Legal Services Coordinating Partner, Deloitte…

A new obligation: The information regarding the operations with affiliates will be reported in form 394. ANAF will use them in the analysis of transfer prices

Daniel Anghel, Partner and Leader of Tax and Legal Services PwC Romania