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604 results (tag: Challenges)

10 civic initiatives solving environmental problems win funding of up to 15,000 euro through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest

Over the next two years, the Environmental Platform for Bucharest will invest approximately…

The Belbin model and the management of multi-generational teams

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

The challenges of the transition to agile management

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies

Differences in professional aspirations of generations X, Y, Z

Career aspirations have evolved significantly over the decades, reflecting economic, technological…

Self-leadership, from theory to practice

The business environment is becoming increasingly complex and puts pressure on companies,…

EY Study: Institutional integrity standards are strengthening, but there are still challenges due to difficult market conditions

Main drivers of rising standards include better direction from management (61%), and regulatory…

EY Future Consumer Index: consumers return to physical stores for personal service, even as AI and tech revolutionize online shopping

- 57% of consumers want to see, touch and feel items before they buy…

6 common mistakes in change management and their cost to the team

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

Intracom Telecom Advances 5G Operational Efficiency

The Company participates in TM Forum Catalyst Project

The triad that ensures the success of the strategy

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert

Circular economy in retail. Where does the change start from?

Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria…

EV sales stall in US and Europe as market uncertainty persists – EY Analysis

The US and Europe are expected to see slowing electric vehicle (EV) demand and…

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