Opinion article by Corina Dimitriu, Audit Partner, and Oana Nicula, Audit Director, Deloitte…
In January - September 2021, total external debt increased by EUR 6,826 million
Broad money amounted up to 1.5 percent month on month and 17.8 percent year…
The broad money supply increased by 1.1 percent (0.1 percent in real terms) compared…
The surplus on secondary income and that on services decreased by EUR 276 million…
Long-term external debt at end-May 2021 totalled EUR 92,193 million, down 0.7 percent…
Article authors: Alexandra-Maria Bocse (Presidential Administration), Tudor Grosu (BNR)…
The clarifications start from the reality that several factors determine the stimulating…
In January – October 2020, total external debt increased by EUR 9,208 million
Online goods delivery platforms have proliferated in recent years
In year-on-year comparison, loans to non-government sector advanced 4.1 percent
In January – September 2020, total external debt increased by EUR 7,441 million