The Globalworth and Renasterea Foundations launch the Mobile Caravan for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

The Globalworth and Renasterea Foundations launch the Mobile Caravan for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

During the 12 weeks, the Mobile Caravan will stop in Chitila, Ilfov County, Agigea, Constanța County and Mihaiesti, Valcea County

Globalworth and Renasterea Foundations launch the Mobile Caravan for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis at Chitila Logistics Hub, one of the benchmark projects for Globalworth’s logistics and light industry sub-brand. Thus, for the next three months, between September 12 and December 10, approximately 1,200 women will have free access to Pap test for detecting gynaecological diseases. Among them are also members of the business community working in Globalworth premises.

During the 12 weeks, the Caravan will stop in Chitila, Ilfov County (September 15 - October 14, 2021), Agigea, Constanța County (October 18 - November 11) and Mihaiesti, Valcea County (November 15 - December 10). 

Annually, over 1,800 women die in Romania due to cervical cancer and almost 3,400 are diagnosed with this disease. The incidence is 2.5 times higher than the EU average-27, and the mortality rate is over 4 times higher. In Romania, the mortality rate is the highest in Europe - lack of information, poor access to medical services and living standards that do not allow regular check-ups lead to late diagnosis of the disease and decreased chances of cure. However, according to studies, in over 80% of cases, a timely diagnosis can help complete healing.

Because the chances of cure depend very much on the time of diagnosis, the Globalworth Foundation offered 45,000 euros to the Renasterea Foundation for the operation of the Mobile Caravan for diagnosing cervical cancer, by which to inform about the importance of prevention and provide access to free medical examinations.

The Renasterea Foundation has been campaigning for over 20 years for the right of Romanian women to quality medical services. Through the Mobile Diagnostic Unit, we want to offer such tests also to women in areas with limited access to medical services. Currently, the survival rate of women affected by cancer in our country is 20% lower than that of women in Belgium (64% vs. 84%). By implementing such campaigns, we try to educate and inform women about the importance of annual medical check-ups and to help reduce these discrepancies as much as possible. We are glad that, through this project, with the support of our partners - the Globalworth Foundation, we manage to offer disadvantaged women medical tests that can save their lives”, said Mihaela Geoana, President of the Renasterea Foundation.


During the caravan, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the conditions of social distancing and health safety. People who want to benefit from the free Pap test, from the above mentioned localities and other neighboring localities, can make an appointment at the telephone number 0756.713.652.

Now more than ever it is in the power of each of us to be responsible, to take care of ourselves and those around us. Awareness and education of the population on the importance of prevention helps us to detect cancer in its early stages. In other words, it helps us to stop catastrophes, to enjoy good things, to keep functional lives on earth. We will always support such projects, such as that of the Renasterea Foundation, precisely because they bring us closer to our mission to take care of the people in our community”, added Georgiana Iliescu, Chief Executive Officer of the Globalworth Foundation.


The collaboration between Globalworth and the Renasterea Foundation began in 2017, when Globalworth Tower, the second tallest office building in Romania, was illuminated in pink, the colour that symbolizes the fight against breast cancer. Subsequently, Globalworth donated for the purchase of a 4D ultrasound machine, the high-performance equipment being used in the Medical Center of Excellence Renasterea. In 2018, the Globalworth Foundation became involved in programs for the prevention and early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer, through which 829 medical investigations were performed on women from vulnerable categories: breast ultrasounds, mammograms, gynecological consultations, Pap tests and support for the activities of the Cancer Patient Support Association. In 2019, the Globalworth Foundation offered 1,000 FFP2 masks for the protection packages offered by the Renasterea Foundation to the medical staff and cancer patients, during the COVID pandemic. To date, the total amount allocated by Globalworth for the programs of the Renasterea Foundation for the prevention of breast and cervical cancer exceeds 80,000 euros. To date, Globalworth and the Globalworth Foundation have donated 130,000 euros to Renasterea Foundation projects.

About the Globalworth Foundation       

The Globalworth Foundation was founded in 2018 by Globalworth, the market leader in office buildings in Romania and Poland, and is a non-profit entity, being independent of the group’s commercial activities. The mission of the foundation is to develop projects on three main pillars: people, places and technology.

Starting from the idea that the future of any society is represented by the younger generations, the foundation focuses on caring for people, which can be supported by education programs and projects that can improve their access to quality medical services, regardless of the social category to which they belong. Equally important are initiatives aimed at building places and developing urban communities where people can meet, interact and work together to find solutions that help those with special needs. In addition to these, the Globalworth Foundation believes in the positive impact of technology-integration projects, such as youth incubators, and supports funding for innovations that, among other things, can bring people together.

More information is available on the site and on the communication channels Facebook.

About the Renasterea Foundation

The Renasterea Foundation is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2001, which received the status of Public Utility Organization in 2007. The mission of the Renasterea Foundation is to promote the importance of prevention and early detection of breast and cervical cancer, to provide free medical investigations and support to cancer patients. The Renasterea Foundation, through the Mobile Diagnostic Unit, offered, for 22,870 women from 59 localities, 10,717 mammograms, 18,410 free Pap tests. A study of 4,410 of the more than 22,870 people tested showed that more than 67.5% of women tested had gynecological infections or more serious conditions, Rural: 65,4%, Urban: 70,1%, (41% - 15-19 years, over 71% - 20-50 years and over 60% - 50+ years).  For more information about the Renasterea Foundation and the projects it implements, please access https://fundatiarenasterea.ro and https://www.facebook.com/FundatiaRenasterea/

