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Romanian law firm Biris Goran has been selected to be part of the VAT Expert Group set up by the European Commission – The General Directorate for Taxation and Customs (TAXUD) in Brussels

Romanian law firm Biris Goran has been selected to be part of the VAT Expert Group set up by the European Commission – The General Directorate for Taxation and Customs (TAXUD) in Brussels

Biris Goran has been chosen and confirmed in the VAT Expert Group set up by the European Commission based in Brussels (European Commission – The General Directorate for Taxation and Customs (TAXUD) and will be represented by Gabriel Biris, Founding Partner, and Sorin Biban, Tax Partner

During the months of July and August 2022, The Director-General for Taxation and Customs Union, having regard to Commission Decision 2012/C 188/02 of 26 June 2012 setting up the ‘VAT Expert Group’, started the selection process and invited private entities and consultants in the EU region to apply.

Biris Goran has been chosen and confirmed in the VAT Expert Group based in Brussels and will be represented by Gabriel Biris, Founding Partner, and Sorin Biban, Tax Partner.

"We are happy that our long-lasting and duly recognized expertise in taxation matters and especially VAT is being put to use for the benefit of VAT policies at the EU level. We will work our best to contribute to the generation of functional, applicable, and reasonable new regulation for the EU", said Gabriel Biris, Founding Partner Biris Goran.

"VAT being one of the key factors playing at the EU fiscal landscape, we will be more than happy to contribute with clarifications, solutions and practical know-how to the VAT Expert Group set up by the European Commission", declared Sorin Biban, Tax Partner with Biris Goran.

About Biris Goran SPARL

Biris Goran SPARL is a business law firm founded in 2006, with 45+ attorneys and tax advisors, and provides a full range of legal services with a particular focus on tax, competition, real estate, corporate/M&A, financing, litigation, privacy, data protection, and employment. Biris Goran and its team have been consistently ranked as one of the leading law firms in Romania by legal directories such as Chambers Europe and Legal 500.  


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