Nestle Romania almost doubled the Honey Forest in Marsa Commune, Giurgiu County, a project that brings together all the afforestation and biodiversity programs in Romania, planting another 15,000 acacia saplings on an area of 3 hectares, in partnership with the Mai Mult Verde Association and The Town Hall of Marsa Commune, in addition to the 20,000 planted in 2022 on 4 hectares.
More than 100 people, Nestle employees and partners, as well as Mai Mult Verde volunteers, voluntarily participated in the planting of 15,000 acacia seedlings, approximately 50 km west of Bucharest (location), thus contributing to one of the largest campaigns of reforestation in the plain area of Muntenia under the umbrella of the "Nestle for a Waste Free World" sustainability pillar.
The Honey Forest is an innovative concept, combining both forest regeneration for a better absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, but also the creation of an attractive ecosystem for beekeepers in our country, because acacia is the main honey-bearing forest species in Romania.
Upon a brief assessment, the 35,000 acacia trees planted by the volunteers near Bucharest will absorb at least 850 tons of CO2 per year when mature - the equivalent of the emissions of 350 small cars (120 gr CO2 per km) traveling 20,000 km annually. On the other hand, under optimal conditions, honey production per hectare of compact acacia forest is 300-700 kg, according to the specialized academic environment, and the Honey Forest now has 7 hectares. However, honey production can even reach almost a ton per hectare when the acacias reach maturity.
Through this effort, Nestle, the world's largest food and beverage company, confirmed its commitment to sustainable development, which includes achieving net zero emissions by 2050, transitioning to 100% renewable energy, developing alternative packaging, respectively increasing the degree of biodiversity, and reducing the amount of CO2 by planting trees.
Of the 15,000 saplings planted this year, 5,000 were the direct contribution of NESCAFE®, which launched a unique campaign in October in which an acacia sapling was planted for every buyer registered in the campaign. NESCAFE® has sustainability in its DNA as a global brand, and the campaign aimed to generate impact in Romania, because the Honey Forest project is the most suitable to contribute to Nestle Romania's local sustainability strategy.
” The Nestle team did something concrete for cleaner air in our country and for perhaps one of the most delicate areas in agriculture, namely beekeeping: we put our hands on the shovel and planted 15,000 acacia seedlings, under the guidance of specialists from the Mai Mult Verde Association. We have demonstrated how we can contribute directly to the regeneration of Romania's forest heritage and to the creation of an area suitable for bees and the beekeeping community in our country. The planting of the acacias at Marsa supports Nestle's commitment to plant 20 million trees per year globally and we are on track to halve our carbon footprint this decade”, says Irina Siminenco, Corporate Affairs Manager, Nestle Romania.
The afforestation action is the natural continuation of that of 2022, as well as the greening actions of 2019, the planting of acacia and spruce seedlings in 2020 and 2021.
The Honey Forest is part of Nestle's global plan to accelerate the transformation towards net-zero emissions and equitable and regenerative food systems, supported by an investment of CHF 1.2 billion by 2025 in regenerative agricultural practices. On the other hand, Nestle strives to source 50% of key ingredients from renewable sources by 2030, to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and to reach net zero by 2050.
Learn more on Nestle plan from here:
About Nestle
The Nestle group has been present in Romania since 1996, among the brands in its portfolio are NESCAFE, NESQUIK, Chocapic, KitKat®, Lion, JOE®, After Eight, MAGGI®, Purina, NAN®, GERBER®, Nespresso, Optifibre, etc. In Romania, Nestle also got involved in ecological and social responsibility initiatives. In the last 3 years, the company has planted 75,000 trees, which will contribute to achieving the goal of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.
Nestle global initiatives:
In 2017, Nestle took several steps to accelerate progress towards the 2030 goals, as part of actions to improve the quality of life and contribute to a better future. Among them are the consolidation of the "Nestle for Healthier Kids" program, the expansion of the "Nestle needs YOUth" initiative and the development of sustainable environmental performance management activities. Nestle maintains its position as a global leader in the food and beverage industry through its portfolio of healthy products accessible to consumers. The Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) Global Index assesses the world's 25 largest food producers, focusing on their nutrition policies, practices and performance. Nestle's top position is recognition of its ongoing commitment to nutrition and health, as well as its commitment to help address the global challenges of obesity and undernutrition.
Nestle for Healthier Kids
The "Nestle for Healthier Kids" program was created to unite all Nestle efforts that support parents and guardians to raise healthier children, from research activities and product formulation to innovative education and nutrition services for a healthy lifestyle. In Romania, these efforts are found under the umbrella of the program "And I live healthy - SETS", initiated by the PRAIS Foundation, as well as "Traista cu Sănătate" under the guidance of the Healthy Traditions Foundation. The NutriPortion and VeggiePortion educational tools, as well as the Nestle for Healthier Kids recipe book, are part of the company's educational portfolio.
Nestle needs YOUth
Nestle's ambition for the global youth initiative "Nestle needs YOUth" is to help 10 million young people around the world gain access to career opportunities by 2030. This global initiative combines and coordinates all activities that support young people around world, including the efforts of the Alliance for YOUth.
Nestle for a Waste Free World
Nestle wants its products to be not only tastier and healthier, but also better for the environment. Nestle's ambition for 2030 is zero impact on the environment, focusing its efforts on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, biodiversity, and packaging management.