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Edenred Romania acquires the Benefit Online, flexible wage benefits platform

Edenred Romania acquires the Benefit Online, flexible wage benefits platform

Edenred Romania, the largest company of issuing benefits cards and vouchers for employees, has acquired Benefit Online, the largest flexible extrasalary benefits platform in Romania, founded 6 years ago by entrepreneurs Adrian Sarbu and Stelian Bogza.

Benefit Online Platform helps companies transfer the benefits directly to employees: they can create their own benefits package, from a range of thousands of options, both in the area of ​​tax benefits (meal and cultural vouchers, private pensions, insurance) / health subscriptions, vacations, gifts or professional courses), as well as in the area of ​​corporate discounts (fitness and wellness subscriptions, fashion and beauty, shows and events, restaurants and cafes, telecom, appliances and technology, etc.)

Thanks to these solutions, the client companies in Romania can make their human resources policies more efficient and increase their attractiveness as employers in a highly competitive labor market.

Today, Benefit Online has more than 100,000 active users, from over 250 client companies from various industries, such as IT & software, production, financial services, call-center & shared services or other services.

Nearly 3,000 unique extra-wage benefits, from over 2,000 providers, are included in the Benefit Online platform. In 2018, the most popular benefits chosen by the employees were meal vouchers, gifts (cards and gift vouchers), transportation settlement (to / from work), domestic tourism (holiday vouchers) and private pensions (pillar 3).

Through the acquisition of Benefit Online, Edenred expands its digital solutions offering, accompanying each level of the ecosystem on the labor market (employees, employers, benefit providers).

We want to offer them both the freedom and the tools to configure their own strategy and benefits tailored to each company and to each employee.

Digitalization, diversification, permanent innovation are part of our identity, so Benefit Online is a natural partner and we are proud to support and develop the platform together from here onwards ”, said Dana Sintejudean, General Manager Edenred Romania & Moldova.

Following the transaction, the Benefit Online brand will continue to develop with the same management and operational team, benefiting in addition to the innovation, technology and commercial support resources of the Edenred Group.

"We are confident that together with the Edenred team and joining our professional skills we will create a superior experience for the users of the Benefit Online platform, we will be able to further diversify the range of suppliers and at the same time we will be able to expand the solution both to new companies in Romania and from other markets in Europe ” said Stelian Bogza, co-founder of Benefit Online.

"The services we provide to our current clients remain unchanged and we will continue to develop our current business with Edenred, doubled by the ongoing concern to develop new retention and loyalty solutions for companies in Romania” said Adrian Sarbu, co-founder of Benefit Online.

"Edenred responds to the ever growing need of companies that want to improve employee loyalty, motivation and purchasing power, offering them a variety of benefits through simple and flexible digital solutions" said Maxime Jullien, Director of Business Development & Strategy in within Edenred Romania.

The transaction is subject to approval by the Competition Council.
In Romania, Edenred is the largest company providing benefit solutions for employees, through prepaid cards and vouchers, accompanied by various online and mobile solutions.

Edenred issues in Romania cards and vouchers, gifts, cards and holiday vouchers, cultural and business cards, day vouchers, social tickets, as well as prepaid cards for business expenses.

Edenred has locally over 35,000 client companies, 1.5 million employees, users of its benefits solutions and 65,000 partner merchants, served by a team of over 200 employees.






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