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Deloitte ranked the most valuable and strongest commercial services brand in the world by Brand Finance

Deloitte ranked the most valuable and strongest commercial services brand in the world by Brand Finance

With a brand value of USD 29.7 billion, Deloitte ranks first also among the most valuable professional service brands

Deloitte was ranked the most valuable and strongest commercial services brand in the world, according to the latest results of the Brand Finance Commercial Services Report for 2019. Brand Finance, the world’s leading independent brand valuation consultancy firm, calculates overall brand value and determines the relative strength of brands based on metrics evaluating marketing investment, stakeholder equity and business performance.

With a brand value up 42% year-on-year to USD 29.7 billion, Deloitte ranks first in the top of the most valuable commercial services brands and, implicitly, in the top of the most valuable professional services brands. As for the ranking of the strongest commercial services brands, Brand Finance has calculated Deloitte’s Brand Strength Index (BSI) score at 91.24 out of 100 and an elite AAA+ brand strength rating.

Deloitte’s growth in brand value and strength is anchored in its consistent investment, improving equity and solid business performance, according to the report.

The latest financial results announced by Deloitte in New York for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2019, confirm strong growth in all five business areas - Audit & Assurance, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory and Tax & Legal. Global revenue grew for the tenth consecutive year, totaling a record USD 46.2 billion, up by 9.4% year-on-year, which increases Deloitte’s lead in the professional services field.

"While Romania accounts for a small part of our global presence, we are proud of our contribution in terms of both brand performance and revenue growth – our local revenues have actually grown significantly faster that the global average. Romania is an important geography for Deloitte, hosting a dynamic client service practice, which excels and innovates in each of our businesses and in the several rapidly expanding service centers, overall employing over 1,700 highly skilled professionals in an inclusive and empowering work environment which fosters personal and professional growth and fulfilment. For us all, it is a privilege to be part of the world’s oldest and largest professional services firm”, said Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner, Deloitte Romania and Moldova.


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