BCR attaches a great deal of importance to supporting SMEs and has 263 million lei at its disposal provided under the programme created as per Government Emergency Ordinance No. 92/2013 according to which up to 526 million lei can be extended to applicants.
The government - through the Ministry of Public Finance (the National Guarantee Funds for Credits extended to SMEs) - secures up to 50% of the overall financing value, but not the interest and the commissions, while the credit guarantee premium covers 1.99% / year of the value of the guarantee.
Credits are to be extended against a ROBOR 3-month interest plus a margin of not more than 2.50% / year, plus a lending commission of a maximum 0.7% / year. The credit payback time covers 24 months at most, which can be extended by 12 more months, without exceeding the total Programme duration.