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Anca Iulia Zegrean is the new Partner in the law firm Biris Goran

Anca Iulia Zegrean is the new Partner in the law firm Biris Goran

Anca Iulia Zegrean, Coordinator of Labor Law at Biris Goran, has been announced as a new Partner in Biris Goran, one of the top law firms in Romania

"Anca joined us in 2012 and had a clear, determined and rapid ascent to the current role of Partner. This comes as a natural recognition of Anca's essential contribution on litigation, taxes and labor law. We are happy to have among us a true leader, a woman with exceptional potential and a track record of achievements, "said Gabriel Biris, founding partner of the law firm.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


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