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All about VAT: Tailored seminars for tax practitioners

All about VAT: Tailored seminars for tax practitioners

Specializing in the VAT has become a necessity for professionals within companies' tax teams. The legislation complexit y, its frequent changes, or the increasingly sophisticated reporting requirements entail both new administrative burdens and good knowledge of VAT.

In this context, Deloitte’s VAT department has structured the seminar "All about VAT"
 in two modules - basic and advanced - precisely in order to give tax practitioners the possibility to choose the option that answers the problems that they face in their current position.

The seminars will take place in Cluj Napoca, at Grand Hotel Italia (2 Trifoiului Street), as follows:

16 October 2018 - Basic module
23 October 2018 - Advanced module

Basic module

The basic module is mainly addressed to professionals with 1 to 3 years of experience that are preparing internal reports and VAT returns and are present during tax audits.

  • At the end of this module, the participants:
  • Will understand how the VAT system works;
  • Will have a clear understanding of VAT returns;
  • Will be prepared to assess the accuracy of invoices, as well as to identify situations where transport documents, customs export or import declarations are required.

Advanced module

The advanced module is addressed to tax managers with a minimum of 3-5 years of
experience, willing to expand their knowledge in the VAT area related to :

  • The challenges of the applied tax treatment;
  • VAT risk management;
  • Potential VAT risks and ways of mitigating or reducing them;
  • Customs legislation impact on transactions with goods and related VAT implications;
  • Acting as an export of record in chain transactions;
  • Methods to obtain the VAT exemption for imports;
  • Adjustment of customs value and related VAT implications;
  • VAT implications depending on various factors within chain transactions with goods (i.e. where the goods arrive, who is responsible for the transport, what VAT ID was used, INCOTERMS conditions, who are the customers/vendors, etc.)
  • Identifying relevant items from a VAT perspective in case of supplies of services: what type of service is supplied, if it is a complex service, who is the beneficiary of the service if the service would not benefit from an exemption, etc.

During the seminar, our team will share their experience gained while assisting during tax audits.

The agenda can be tailored to the profile of the participants in this module and the industry in which they operate so that we can focus on the interested areas.


Raluca Baldea - Director within the Indirect Tax Department of Deloitte Romania
Mihai Petre - Senior Manager, Customs and Global Trade Deloitte Romania
Ana Sabiescu - Manager within the Tax Department of Deloitte Romania

For more information about this event please visit our website page.

For registration to BASIC MODULE - October 16,  2018,  please access this link.

For registration to ADVANCED MODULE – October 23, 2018, please access this link.

For the calendar of Deloitte Academy sessions, please access this link.










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