Crystal System Group and its subsidiaries Crystal BIM Solution Ltd. and Crystal Talent…
By: Michelle Evans, Senior Head of Global Digital Consumer Research, Euromonitor International;…
By Michelle Evans, Senior Head of Global Digital Consumer Research, Euromonitor International
Author: Jana Rude, Research Project Manager
Enhancing employee expertise through lifelong learning is the main concern of the Romanian…
Interview with Mr. Cosmin Rusu, Managing Director, Yusen Logistics
Interview with Mr. COSTIN AVRAM, General Manager, Crystal System Group
Interview with CIPRIAN DARABAN, Country Manager, Quanta Resurse Umane
Startup-urile au jucat un rol esential in aparitia tehnologiilor pentru condus autonom
Cea de-a patra editie a Bucharest Tech Week aduce in atentia profesionistilor din mediul…
BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania, cea mai mare competitie de robotica pentru liceeni din…
Antreprenorul a concurat pentru marele titlu alaturi de alti 49 de lideri de business…
Echipa AutoVortex, formata din elevi de la mai multe licee din Bucuresti, a obtinut…
Activitati de realizare a soft-ului la comanda (software orientat client)
Advanced Robotics is designing, deploying and customizing virtual employees endowed with AI-automated cloud based…
Comert cu amanuntul prin intermediul caselor de comenzi sau prin internet
Fabricarea altor piese si accesorii pentru autovehicule si pentru motoare de autovehicule
Instalarea masinilor si echipamentelor industriale