In this blog, we will review how the Paris 2024 Olympics is claiming the…
Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions and Dumitru Ion, CEO,…
Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…
Companiile care obtin cele mai bune rezultate din cloud — „concurentii continuum” — trateaza…
Authors: Cristiana Fernbach, Partner & Flavius Florea, Senior Manager, KPMG Legal – Toncescu…
Interview with Dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder of DENT ESTET
Interview with Mr. Victor Vasluian, General Manager, TERRA Romania Utilaje de Constructii…
Interview with Mr. Tal Lahav, CEO, SIXT Always Yes
Interview with Mrs. Ana Ber, Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger InterSearch Romania
Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania
Senior Management Worldwide (SMW) is the longest running and most successful alliance…
He is also an Associate Professor and Lecturer at top universities in Romania, Switzerland,…
According to an Orange study conducted with Global WebIndex, 72% of companies currently…
Passport provides data and insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, helping…
Carta Diversitatii reuneste la aceeasi masa 105 semnatari care si-au asumat public principiile…
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