Hear Euromonitor's research experts discuss the latest industry, economic and consumer…
Brussels/Bonn/New York, September 15, 2022: DHL and NYU Stern School of Business have…
Investitiile in raportarile de mediu, sociale si de guvernanta corporativa (ESG) si implementarea…
Aceasta editie a Ericsson Mobility Report – cea de-a 22-a editie a unui raport…
Authors: Gina Westbrook, Director of Consumer Trends and Alison Angus, Head of Lifestyles…
Interview with Mrs. Gabriela Beres, CEO Puratos Romania, Managing Director CEE Puratos…
Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania
Interview with Mr. MARIUS FILIPAS, Country Manager, Noventiq
Interview with Mr Marius Melesteu, General Manager, Strauss Romania
Interview with Radu Hanga, President, BUCHAREST Stock Exchange
Cei mai importanti lideri de business din Transilvania vor participa la acest prestigios…
Join our webinar for the latest forecasts, trends and insights on the global economy…
CEO Conference – Shaping the Future, cel mai prestigios eveniment dedicat liderilor de…
Cei mai importanti lideri de business din Transilvania vor participa la editia cu numarul…
Gestionarea noii realitati aduce un an de provocari unice pe agenda liderilor companiilor…