

7 rezultate (tag: disease)

Trends Shaping the Future of the Food and Nutrition Industry

Locally sourced produce, a rise in e-commerce and plant-based alternatives are just some…

Illicit Trade in Times of Coronavirus

By Lourdes Chavarria, Quinton Walker and David Bahamo

Travel 2040 - Climate Emergency to Force a Revolution in the Industry

As a result of Coronavirus (COVID-19), almost 60% of consumers said that they will…


2 rezultate (tag: disease)

DENT ESTET The future of dentistry is withi digital transformation

Interview with Mrs. OANA TABAN, CEO & Founder DENT ESTET

Allianz-Tiriac simplifies products and invests in digital solutions to improve customer experience

Interview with VIRGIL SONCUTEAN, CEO, Allianz -Tiriac Asigurari


1 rezultat (tag: disease)

Romania ar putea castiga anual 1 miliard de Euro prin cresterea investitiilor in tratarea pacientilor cu boli cardiovasculare

Conform celui mai recent raport al Societatii Europene de Cardiologie, Romania pierde…