Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
By Matthew Barry
85% dintre ele au crescut in ultimul an investitiile in tranzitia „verde”, iar 50%…
In decurs de 2 ani, Platforma de mediu pentru Bucuresti va investi in total…
Our insights cover everything from income, spending, behaviour and attitudes to demographic…
Autori: Corina Mindoiu, Partener, Impozit pe venit si contributii sociale, EY Romania…
Interview with Mr. Valentin Zaharia, Veolia Romania
Interview with Colonel Dr. Alice Elena Munteanu, Head of the Cardiovascular Diseases Center…
Interview with Mr. Alin Ioanes, CEO, ROMBAT SA
Interview with Mr. Florin Frunza, CEO, MET Romania Energy
Interview with Dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder of DENT ESTET
Editia a sasea aduce interviuri exclusive cu lideri recunoscuti la nivel international,…
Proiectul Climate Paths, desfasurat de Social Innovation Solutions, a reunit peste 200…
Companiile identifica atacurile cibernetice, in special scurgerile de date, ca fiind principalul…
Cei mai importanti lideri de business din Transilvania vor participa la acest prestigios…
Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Bucuresti-Ilfov (ADRBI) va aduce la aceeasi masa partenerii…