

46 rezultate (tag: innovation)

Cum evaluam actiunile in 2024? Oportunitati vs riscuri

Sub acest titlu, Cristi Tudorescu va lucra cu participantii pentru a contura principalele…

Empowering your digital journey with SoftwareOne, globally and locally. Turn vision into reality with a valuable recipe

Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania

Romania este o piata semnificativa pentru Coca-Cola HBC, ca hub regional de inovare, executie, productie si export

Interviu cu Jovan Radosavljevic, Director General, Coca-Cola HBC Romania

STRAUSS Romania the emotional economics of coffee

Interview with Mr. MARIUS MELESTEU, General Manager, STRAUSS Romania

Improving people’s lives by improving their living spaces in a totally sustainable way

Interview with Mr. MARIUS IONITA, CEO, Alumil Romania

TUV AUSTRIA Romania inspection and certification body, complex laboratory tests, trusted partner for ensuring the profit and performance of successful companies

Interview with Mr. GEORGE GHEORGHIU, Head of Certification Department, TUV AUSTRIA Romania

Noventiq global expertise, local outcomes

Interview with Mr. MARIUS FILIPAS, Country Manager, Noventiq

Veolia has the expertise to provide the solutions necessary to meet the challenges of our times

Interview With Mr. MADALIN MIHAILOVICI, CEO, Veolia Romania

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

Every challenge is an opportunity, a chance to grow

Interview with Mr. MUSTAFA TIFTIKCIOGLU, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania

Navigating in the coffee world of the future

Interview with Mr Marius Melesteu, General Manager, Strauss Romania