

54 rezultate (tag: cash)

EY Romania: Criza din Ucraina – care sunt prevederile legale si  implicatiile practice aplicabile relocarilor de investitii

In noul context, este extrem de important ca Romania sa se pozitioneze ca o…

2021: Record year setting foundation for ongoing sustainable growth

All-time high Revenues, Adj. EBITA margin and Net Income

Sapte tendinte de business pentru anul 2022

Autor: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Tendinte si Tehnologii Emergente

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

Valoria survey: 78% of companies, compared to 53% at the beginning of the year, say that employee salaries have increased in 2021

The 10th edition of the survey “The business outlook in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Digital Disruptors: The Global Competitive Landscape of Digital Wallet

Digital wallet adoption in the West needs that extra incentive to convince consumers of…

Colliers: Piata logistica si industriala continua sa fie sectorul imobiliar cel mai dinamic

Stocul total de spatii de depozitare moderne depaseste 6 milioane de metri patrati

The Rise of Digital Payments in Latin America

By Joao Garcia and Valerie de la Fuente

Riscurile fiscale in industria financiar-bancara sunt in crestere. Ce solutii exista?

Solutii de imbunatatire a fluxurilor de numerar, EY Romania a identificat principalele…

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…