

71 rezultate (tag: Webinar)

Sectorul de e-commerce va creste in 2021 cu cel putin 30%

Cresterea pe zona online a fost de peste 100% in 2020

Quantifying Megatrends: Expanding Your Portfolio in the Right Spaces

Megatrends aim to simplify the nuances of how consumers think, behave and prioritise their…

Consumer Appliances in 2020 and Beyond: A Hard Pivot to Hygiene for Brands and Consumers

A hard pivot to hygiene for brands and consumers - Tim Chuah, Industry Manager,…

Time of Change: Challenges and Implications for Apparel and Textile Manufacturers

Grant Budding, Senior Consultant-Public Sector and Professional Services, Jorge Martin,…

Strategic Themes in Food and Nutrition: Coronavirus Update

By Tom Rees: Industry Manager, Food and Nutrition

Global Economy in 2021: Outlook for Recovery and Potential Risks

By Daniel Solomon, Senior Economist, Economies and Consumers and Giedrius Stalenis, Economist,…

5 Trends Defining the Future of Manufacturing

This webinar will provide an overview and updated forecasts on the global manufacturing…

Health and Nutrition Trends: In Search of a Healthy Life

The article explores key trends in the health and nutrition landscape, including the emergence…

INACO lanseaza a treia editie a Ghidului Meseriilor Viitorului

Ghidul Meseriilor Viitorului prezinta abilitatile-cheie si aptitudinile necesare angajatului…