

6 rezultate (tag: Digital World)

The five megatrends that will prevail in 2023

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions and Dumitru Ion, CEO,…

Commerce 2040: The Future of the Store in a Digital World

By: Michelle Evans, Senior Head of Global Digital Consumer Research, Euromonitor International;…

Commerce 2040: The Future of the Store in a Digital World

By Michelle Evans, Senior Head of Global Digital Consumer Research, Euromonitor International

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…

Studiu EY: 88% din companii considera ca securitatea informatica nu satisface pe deplin nevoile organizatiei

Mai mult de o treime din organizatiile globale (36%) sunt inca neincrezatoare in capacitatea…

La nivel mondial, doar 5% din managementul de top din industria asigurarilor utilizeaza Twitter sau Facebook

In doar doua decade, tehnologia digitala a transformat lumea. Sunt aproape la fel de…