

41 rezultate (tag: Crisis)

Scoala IAA isi adapteaza cursurile „noii normalitati”: module hibrid, on & offline

Scoala IAA va relua din septembrie cursurile intr-un format hibrid: sesiuni online de…

Travel 2040 - Climate Emergency to Force a Revolution in the Industry

As a result of Coronavirus (COVID-19), almost 60% of consumers said that they will…

Can AI and Technology Help Fashion Retailers During Coronavirus?

Helping retailers deliver exceptional personalisation and customer service, Intelistyle…

How Brands and Retailers Can Deal with Excess Inventory Due to Coronavirus Closures

Off-price is an established destination for excess merchandise

Consumer Markets Under Pressure in 2020

Personal accessories (-13%), apparel and footwear (-11%) and eyewear (-8%) are all expected…

How Will Coronavirus Impact the Global Economy?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented an unprecedented shock to the global…

Allianz reports 2.3 billion euros operating profit in 1Q 2020

The COVID-19 aggravated business conditions for the financial services industry. However,…

Euromonitor’s Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The shock to the global economy as the coronavirus health crisis morphs into a…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: April 2020

Advanced economies are expected to be the hardest hit in this recession

Leveraging Technology is Helping Non-Grocery Retailers to Cope with Coronavirus

Governments around the world increasingly require non-essential stores to close as part…

Introducing Euromonitor’s Coronavirus Economic Scenarios

This article is focusing on how the outbreak is affecting industries

Pregatirea pentru crize constituie un avantaj competitiv. Ce putem invata in plina criza COVID-19 din experientele a 2.000 companii?

Autor: Dinu Bumbacea, Partener, Lider Consultanta in afaceri, PwC Romania