

120 rezultate (tag: Consumers)

Digital Consumer Survey 2020: Key Insights

By Michelle Evans, Senior Head of Digital Consumer

Retail-ul in timpul pandemiei: cum se pot transforma vulnerabilitatile in oportunitati

Opinie de Oana Buhaescu, Director Audit, Deloitte Romania, liderul serviciilor dedicate…

Health and Beauty in the Coronavirus Era

By Irina Barbalova, Global Lead Health and Beauty and Matthew Oster, Global Head Consumer…

Top Five Trends Shaping the Future of Cities

By: Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Sondaj PwC privind comportamentul de consum post COVID-19

Cumparaturile online in crestere, grija pentru sanatate la fel de mare ca cea pentru…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: July 2020

This baseline forecast is assigned a 41.0-51.0% probability at a one-year horizon

Understanding the Path to Purchase 2020 Consumer Types

Is a consumer who is worried about their future less likely to buy premium…