By Matthew Barry
Material de opinie de Ana Petrescu-Mujdei, Senior Manager, Impozitare Directa, Deloitte…
Centrele de date trebuie sa se adapteze pentru a raspunde in mod eficient nevoilor…
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Despite the challenging macroeconomic environment, Continental achieved its adjusted sales…
Economic uncertainty is expected to continue throughout 2023, with global inflation levels…
Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions and Dumitru Ion, CEO,…
Brussels/Bonn/New York, September 15, 2022: DHL and NYU Stern School of Business have…
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Petre Marian Milut, Prefab: „Cei care nu cred in sustenabilitate n-au viitor, inseamna…
Author: Indre Zebrauskaite
In this webinar, we forecast global economic performance for 2022 and how this will…