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13 results (author: SMARTREE ROMANIA SA)  -View company profile

Smartree analysis: Romania has started to import workforce from Asian countries for HoReCa industries, light production and agriculture

According to Smartree, the leader in the HR outsourcing market, in recent years, Romanian…

SMARTREE Workforce Index: 2017 brought a 12% increase in the number of employees and 11% in the average bonuses in the private sector

According to the Smartree Workforce Index, an analysis by Smartree, one of the leaders…

Working with freelancers: solution or not for staff deficit replacements ?

According to Smartree Romania, one of the leaders in Romania in the outsourcing of…

Personnel leasing or temporary work, a trend on the Romanian market

The personnel leasing market registered year-on-year increases, both in terms of the number of…

Due to the speed of recruitment and the lack of potential employees, more and more companies have dropped outgoing hiring exams

According to Smartree, one of the leaders in Romania in the HR outsourcing market,…

The salaries in private sector grew by 10% in the first semester

According to Smartee Workforce Index, the first semester of this year brought an increase…

LinkedIn, the new labor market: How to build your profile to be recruited faster

The professional platform LinkedIn has become a new labor market, in an online version…

What the Millennials expect from the employer: the fringe benefits and flexible working program, more important than money

The salary is not the first amongst the expectations of young people regarding a…

Smartree launches an Index that will take the pulse of the economy in real time

Smartree Workforce Index is a synthesis of the evolution of recruitments, growth of wages…

Job Interview: Outdated questions still used by recruiters and their alternatives, adapted to the new market conditions

The recruitment process as the book which renews itself continuously in tune with each…

 42% of Romanian mothers choose to spend two years in the child care leave, although the maximum allowance is RON 1.200

According to Smartree, one of the leaders in Romania in the outsourcing of HR…

In 2015, employers in Romania have offered extrasalariale benefits higher by 19%

The greatest extrasalariale benefits have been granted during the year by the IT&C companies…

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