

8 results (author: NOERR FINANCE & TAX SRL)  -View company profile

Romanian M&A Market – A Real Chance for Booming

The first months of 2016 show an increased number of deals and deal opportunities.

The automotive segment grows. Romania's strengths.

Noerr is one of the best consultants (legal, tax, finance) in the automotive segment.

Financing Sources for SMEs

There are several ways of raising finance for a business, depending on its nature.…

Alternative tools for financing business growth

Romanian market players need to enable the growth of their businesses to a next…

Unfair Competition & Commercial Practices Under the Spotlight of the Competition Council

The regulations regarding unfair competition and commercial practices have undergone a series of changes…

Hardcore sales restrictions – the competition law perspective

The competition law dictates that the buyer/reseller must remain free to determine his own…

Last call for state aid projects

We are in March 2013, the last year of validity of the framework negotiated…