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1 result (author: CEC BANK SA)  -View company profile

Half of Romanians believe that their financial situation this year has worsened, and estimates for the next period are pessimistic.

Regarding the next period, 42.3% believe that they will do worse in the future…


8 results (author: CEC BANK SA)  -View company profile

CEC Bank has financed over 3,000 investment projects from European funds

May 9, Europe Day: European funds have contributed to the development of Romania

CEC Bank grants 1 out of 4 loans in the bank's network in a digital experience

Currently, 1 out of 4 loans granted in the territorial units of CEC Bank…

CEC Bank and EximBank finance the expansion of AAylex Group, the producer of Cocorico chickens

Approximately 20 million euro loan from CEC Bank and EximBank to take over the…

Ionut Lianu is the new boss over the balance sheet of CEC Bank

Ionut Lianu (40 years old), as Chief Officer, will manage the assets and liabilities…

CEC Bank offers free vacations to doctors and hospital staff who fought in the front line against COVID-19

The holiday packages granted by CEC Bank are addressed to the employees from the…

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