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The transition to digital environment must be a priority for CFOs

Sixty-four percent of the 652 CFOs we surveyed say that collaboration with the CEO has increased and a significant 76% report greater involvement in corporate strategy, driven by a focus on growth. Despite this focus on strategy, CFOs are still cost-discipline champions: managing costs and budgets emerged as the number one contribution they feel they make.

Our findings are based on a global survey of 652 CFOs, conducted by Longitude Research on behalf of EY, and a series of in-depth interviews with CFOs, CEOs and EY professionals.


However, when asked specifically about some of the major value creation activities on business agendas today — M&A  decisions, performance measurement, operating model redesign and the shift to digital — our survey of 652 CFOs reveals a persistent focus on cost management as CFOs’ main  contribution. This is despite the fact that CFOs consider that their relationship with the CEO has strengthened over the last three years, driven by new growth opportunities, changes in strategy and new products and services.


For more information, please see the attached file or the Romanian version of the article, here



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