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PwC Talks: What are the areas targeted by ITM controls in 2025? What companies need to know

PwC Talks: What are the areas targeted by ITM controls in 2025? What companies need to know

Oana Munteanu, Director of PwC Romania, Sonia Balanescu, Senior Lawyer, D&B coordinator David si Baias and Alexandra Gaspar, Senior Manager of PwC Romania

Compliance with the legislation and improvement of working conditions, identification of undeclared or under-declared work, verification of compliance with the provisions regarding employment of foreigners on Romanian territory, safety and health at work (OSH), the obligation to initiate collective bargaining, equal opportunities and treatment will be on agenda of the Labor Inspectorate and will be the subject of controls in 2025.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.



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