Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator Press release: 47% of the participants in the latest eJobs survey are currently looking for a new job. A salary increase could make 72% change their mind |
Press release: 47% of the participants in the latest eJobs survey are currently looking for a new job. A salary increase could make 72% change their mind

Press release: 47% of the participants in the latest eJobs survey are currently looking for a new job. A salary increase could make 72% change their mind

A higher salary is the main objective of those who plan to change their job in the next period, appearing in 78.2% of the answers

47% of those who participated in the latest survey carried out by say that, at the moment, they are looking for a new job, and 40.6% declare that, although changing jobs is not a priority , they are willing to apply and will do so if they find a job that they think would suit them. Only 12.5% ​​firmly say that they are not currently looking for a job.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.



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