"Business Evolution", the most important conference road show dedicated to the top management of companies and entrepreneurs, but also to the managers of the development, IT, financial, marketing or sales departments, starts this year with the edition that will take place on May 25, 2023 in Oradea.
In the context of a world in continuous transformation, where dedicated banking solutions, European, governmental or PNRR non-refundable funds represent a unique opportunity for the modernization of Romania's economy, the "Business Evolution" road show will discuss essential topics for the future businesses.
The main objective of the event is to explore solutions and resources for the sustainable development of companies in the context of current challenges. Topics of debate will include financing and digitizing companies, the green transition and adapting to ever-changing customer and market demands.
The conference agenda includes two sessions, the first of which addresses strategies for development, and the second, practical and interactive workshops, as follows:
09:00 – 11:00 – Strategy for development:
Welcome speech – Octavian Dan, President, Association of Companies from Bihor
Financing solutions for SMEs – Elena Gherasim, Regional Director IMM Crisana, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
What technologies and digital solutions can I use and how? How do I protect my business from cyber risks? – Gabriel Traistaru, Digital Director, Telekom Romania Mobile
What are the opportunities, solutions and challenges of the company's sustainable development process? Avoid losses with data. – Melinda Morariu, CEO and Co-Founder, BRIDGE-to-INFORMATION
What non-reimbursable European, governmental and PNRR funds can we access for development, digitization and sustainability? – Cosmina-Elena Abrudan, Senior Consultant, REI Finance Advisors
11:00 – 11:30 – Networking & Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 – How To...? – Practical workshops and interactive sessions:
Project financing through European funds – Elena Gherasim, Regional Director IMM Crisana, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
6 types of difficult customers and how we approach them correctly – Elena Badea, Marketing & Sales Expert, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
Top 5 GDPR "mistakes". What we learn from them. – Tudor Galos, Senior Consultant, Tudor Galoș Consulting
Leader in Progress. From Effective Manager to Inspirational Leader. – Irina Vijoli, Founding Partner, Digiquery
What resources needed to sell more and in more markets? How to proceed to generate new opportunities? – Dumitru Ion, CEO, Doingbusiness.ro & Kompass Romania
The event is supported by important Partners: Raiffeisen Bank Romania, Telekom Romania Mobile, Asociatia Firmelor Bihorene, Bridge-to-Information, Valoria Business Solutions, DigiQuery, Tudor Galoș Consulting, Dent Estet, Mobexpert, Hikvision, REI Finance, Zmura, Kompass Romania and Camera de Trade and Industry Bihor.
Radu Soviani, well-known economic analyst and journalist, will moderate the discussions on financing solutions, evolution and sustainable digital transformation, growth and expansion of the sales area, risk minimization, leadership, but also aspects specific to the local and regional business environment.
"Business Evolution is the conference series that addresses both the leadership and the management in companies. Each time we bring a mix of topics with strategic and operational value, as we want to ensure that participants will leave with valuable information and practical solutions. Our goal, as organizers, is to facilitate the transfer of know-how, to help management teams and entrepreneurs successfully navigate the challenges generated by the constantly changing business environment", said Dumitru Ion, CEO of Doingbusiness.ro and Kompass Romania, the organizer the event.
Participation to ”Business Evolution” is an opportunity for all leaders in the company management, as well as for managers of development, IT, sales, marketing departments who will be able to exchange ideas to share best practices and listen to specialists and experts invited as speakers.
The conference will also provide attendees with the opportunity to network with other business leaders and gain insight into the latest trends and developments in various industries.
Media partners of the event are: Transilvania Business, Agerpress, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Spotmedia.ro, SpatiulConstruit.ro, Saptamâna Financiara, Financial Market, Revista Career, Revista de Actualitate Financiara.
Up to 3 participants from one company can register for the conference. There is no fee to participate. Registrations can be made online at: www.businessevolution.ro
For more information, contact Madalina Popescu: madalina.popescu@doingbusiness.ro.
Join the conversation on social media using the following hashtags: #BusinessEvolution2023, #Transformation, #Financing, #Digitalization, #Sustenability
About Business Evolution
For over 15 years, Business Evolution has been the most important conference road show dedicated to the top management of companies, entrepreneurs, but also managers of the development, IT, financial, marketing or sales departments to discuss the latest trends and developments in the macroeconomic environment, as well as trends and opportunities. The Business Evolution conference series provides attendees with a platform to exchange ideas, share best practices and interact with leading industry experts. For more information visit: www.businessevolution.ro
About Doingbusiness.ro
Doingbusiness.ro is one of the most comprehensive business portals in Romania that offers access to studies and perspectives on economic developments, interviews with CEOs and industry leaders, the most important daily business news, rankings of the largest companies in Romania, major business events, 5-year financial data for 800,000 local companies. The CEO Conference is the most important event for top business leaders in Romania, organized twice a year by Doingbusiness.ro in partnership with large Romanian companies. Learn more at: www.doingbusiness.ro.